Sunday, 9 November 2014

I'm back, this time with Gel nails

I've had another break away from the blog,  not intentional just life and work getting in the way. I've not posted in a while but I've still painted my nails, I've just not recorded or photographed them,

So to ease back into this I've got a short post for you all. I've had a Sensationail starter kit for several months now and I'm starting to build up a small collection of LED Gel polishes. I've not stuck with the Sensationalnail brand, I have polishes from Bluesky, Fuse, and Red Carpet.

The difficult part of gel nails is deciding what colour to have on my nails for 2 weeks! To any polish lover, choosing what colour to have for one or two days is a hard enough task but to wear just one colour for two weeks is just soo hard!

During a food shop one random weekday, I spotted Elegant Touch Lux Gel and though I'd try it and give it a go. I picked out a neutral soft gray called Respect. A perfect shade to wear for a week or so.

The box includes instructions, which is like a little 'how to guide' and teeny tiny 4.5ml bottle. I've noticed that most GEL polish bottles are small, this might be because you only need to apply thin layers but it does feel that you don't get too much for your money.

Gel nails Linziino

So  I've prepped my nails by pushing back and tidied my cuticles, filed, shaped and lightly buffed my nails and applied a nail dehydrator. The last part is essential to stop lifting and keep the gel polish in place.

I carefully applied a thin layer of base coat and cured under my LED lamp for 30 seconds. Then a thin layer of Elegant Touch, Lux Gel Respect making sure not to flood my cuticles or to touch any skin. I then lightly brushed over the nail tips to cap the colour and cured under the lamp for 60 seconds. I did another two layers of colour as the polish (curing for 60 seconds each time) as the color very light I wanted to ensure I had an solid colour. I finished off with a clear top top and cured for 30 seconds.

Gel nails Linziino

One base layer, three layers of colour and with a top coat the nail surface gets sticky so using a lint free wipe and an alcohol spray I removed the tacky layer and generously applied some cuticle oil to help my nails look their best for longer.

Two weeks later and the polish is still going strong, no chips and no lifting. A small bit of tip wear but not as much as I was expecting. I have regrowth which it driving me nuts and I'm bored of the colour on my nails after wearing it for two weeks. I'm impressed on how well this little polish has done.

Gel nails Linziino

Gel nails Linziino

Gel nails Linziino

Gel nails Linziino

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Broken nail and how to fix it.

I've had several breaks recently which is so frustrating but by far the worse, always seams to be on my thumbs. I've use this repair technique several time and honestly it works a treat!

 How to fix a broken nail
As you can see this break was very low and hurt like hell when it happened. There was no way that I could cut this down to the break line, it's practically half way down my nail-bed!!

How to fix a broken nail
Gather all the thing you need, 
Tea bag - empty out the tea leafs, you just need the bag. Clear nail glue, Scissors, Tweezers, Nail files and a White buffing block. I've used my NSI 150 and 100 Dura files, my Models Own 4 way buffer and my white block (not shown)

How to fix a broken nail
Cut your empty tea bag into small squares or rectangles. They need to be big enough to cover the break and the nail around it. You can if you prefer use a piece that is the same size as the entire nail. it will add strength but does mean you'll notice the re-growth.

How to fix a broken nail
Add nail glue directly to the break and using your tweezers place your first square of teabag onto the wet glue. press the square down until it's soaked up all the glue. Add another layer of glue over top - make sure it's all covered. You want to seal it all in.

How to fix a broken nail
Once the glue is dry I used my 100 grit file, this is quite coarse so great for roughing out the lumps and bumps made by the nail glue. Then using my 150 grit I smoothed and buffed out the tea bag line making it disappear. After all the filing the nail looks something like the picture above, dusty! I finished of using my white block with is a nail buffer. There is a buffer on the Models Own 4 way but it's not as good as the real thing.  
You now need to remove all the dust, a damp cloth works well here. Once your nail is clean and dust free you need to add another tea bag and nail glue layer. once this has dried its time for another file and buffing season. It seams a little odd but your adding strength to the nail with the glue and the tea bag acts like a flexi membrane that's keeping all together.
After two weeks, the repair is still going strong. I've changed my nail colour every other day or so. I've not used any acetone as this would dissolve the glue and undo all your hard work.  As you can see the teabag is barely visible on the naked nail and the break it's slowly growing out. I've had to trim the nail down because I've lots of breaks on other fingers. At one point I think I had 6 nails that had the teabag treatment. 
How to fix a broken nail

Friday, 28 March 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Yellow / Peach

Golden Oldie Thursday - Yellow / Peach

A short post today, I have a lot going on at the moment and sadly this means that Linziino is being dropping down a few places in the list of my priorities. I don't want to stop but I am finding it hard to post regularly and on time!

For the base I've used Model Own, Snow White. Perfect as always. Once fully dried I applied two pieces of striping tape and used MO, Luis Lemon and MO, Golden Peach.  

Golden Oldie Thursday - Yellow / Peach

Golden Oldie Thursday - Yellow / Peach

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

27th March - Yellow/Peach

Open 20 March - 3 April!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle Mani

It's only a week late, Shhhh don't tell anyone. here is my Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle Mani. I've had a few breakages recently so I've had to file and shorten my nails down. They feel so tiny but I'm warming towards the more rounder shape.

I've used my old faithful Model Own, Snow White for the base. I like blank white nails and I love a detailed accent nail. This is the third time I've done a ruffle design. The first two attempt where massive fails they didn't even get to the photo stage they where that bad! Third time is the charm.

The Blue is Sally Hansen, Navy Baby. Its stunning and has a little shimmer which makes is so much more than just a deep navy. Plus the bottle is square and looks fab.

Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle mani

Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle mani

Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle mani

Golden Oldie Thursday - Ruffle mani

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

20th March - Ruffle Mani

Open 13 - 27 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday (on a Sunday) - Purple

It Sunday afternoon the sun is out, the weather is lovely, the windows and doors are all open so when do you think I'm doing with my time? Catching up on last weeks nail challenge!

I've used No7 Stay Perfect, Snowflake for the white base. I wanted a solid smooth base so applied three coats. This little bottle from No7 has done well over the years but its defiantly near the end of its life :(

I opted for the cling-film / saran-wrap technique as I wanted them to keep the nails light and I think they look perfect for the spring time.  I used Model Own Purple Imperial and then quickly dabbed over the wet nails with scrunched up cling-film and did a quick tidy up.

I don't have the patience to do a decent clean up, next time I promise I'll try hard. please don't judge.

GOT Purple Model Own cling-film

GOT Purple Model Own cling-film

GOT Purple Model Own cling-film

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Skittle

Todays prompt is Skittle. As the weather is brightening up and Spring is within touching distance I wanted/needed to add some colour to my nails.

I've used Model Own, Lemon Meringue. MO Pastel Pink. MO Jade Stone. MO Lilac Dream. MO Beth's Blue. Added my favourite polish of the moment, Rimmel Matte Finish. Once completely dry, after 30 minuets of waiting I added a strip of tape across each nail and used Rimmel Finishing Touch, Ultra Shine topcoat.

GOT skittle Model own pastel nails

GOT skittle Model own pastel nails

GOT skittle Model own pastel nails

GOT skittle Model own pastel nails

GOT skittle Model own pastel nails


This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

6th March - Skittle

Open 27 February - 13 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Orange

Whilst I was looking at my collection of nail polish I realised that I don't own many Oranges, only three in fact!  I thought about why this was and had a moment of clarification. I don't like the colour orange, I don't like the orange squash and I'll only have the odd glass of orange juice (without bits) on very rare occasions. I don't eat oranges and don't have anything orange in my wardrobe. Why hadn't I noticed this before?

Todays nails are Models Own, Golden Peach, A pastel shad of orange which is shimmery and pearly and needs a good three coats to get an even coverage. I added a matte topcoat, Rimmels Matte finish and it changed the look completely. I like it so much more after I applied the matte topcoat.

Orange nails GOT

Orange nails GOT

Orange nails GOT

Orange nails GOT

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

27th Feb - Orange

Open 20 February - 6 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Golden Oldie Thursday - Chevron

**I'm a week late with this post! Oopps, I thought that I'd scheduled it and that it had posted on 20th but it wasn't until I was writing out todays GOT post that I noticed it sitting I my drafts!**

I know I've said this before but I hate doing Chevrons!! I just don't have steady enough hands to place the tape in just the right place. I've kept the design as simple as possible but yet I've still managed to mess up. I was in a hurry to add topcoat, I've smudged the blue and its dragged across the white lines!!  arrgghh when will I learn to wait longer to ensure that everything is properly dry.

The white bass layer is No7, Snowflake and then I've used Collection 2000, BMX Bandit which is a teeny tiny bottle, only 8ml. Its on my favourite list and I'm on the hunt for a similar replacement but I've not found anything similar.

Blue Chevron GOT

Blue Chevron GOT

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

20th Feb - Chevron

Open 13 - 27 February!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

I've recieved an Liebster Award, not just one but two!

I'm very grateful to have been nominated twice for an Liebster Award. Its a wonderful way of acknowledging fledging blogs and spreading the love.  

I was nominated by the wonderful Tracey from Bite No More and by lovely Ivy from Nails of Blue 
This It's a chain designed to help blogs with less than 200 followers get noticed. The rules are:
  • If you get nominated you must acknowledge the blogger who nominated you 
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you asked
  • Nominate 11 people who have less than 200 followers and create 11 questions for them to answer
  • Let the 11 nominees know that you are nominating them 
11 random facts about me:
1. I'm tall, very tall. 6ft in fact
2. I love food. Meat, bread and cheese are my three weaknesses
3. I used to work in childcare, I have a NVQ level 3 qualification.
4. I'm obsessed by mint chocolate!
5. I completed a qualification in acrylic nails but I need to keep practicing as I've not done it in such a long time
6. I love sleeping, I love my bed
7. I love all things that are vintage, social history, taxidermy, natural history and weird science related.
8. I'd love to get married, I've been with Andrew for nearly 8 years.
9. I have a very very limited sense of smell almost non-existent
10. I'd love to own a dog but my current house is just too small :(
11. I'm re-taking my GCSE Maths, 12 years after doing it for the first time! 
Questions from Tracey:
1. What inspired you do start a blog? I wanted to keep a record of all the nail art I did. 
2. When someone comments on your posts, do you always reply? Yes. I don't often get a comment so Its great when I do!
3. Have you ever had any negative comments? If so how do you react? Nothing negative
4. What's your favourite season and why? I love Spring time because its the start of new things, leaves on trees, blossom, spring flowers, blue skies and it also mean my Birthday is just around the corner, 1st May
5. If you could be any animal, what would you be? A cat, defiantly a cat. I'm happy to admit that I'm selectively social and don't mind being by myself 
6. If you could change just one thing in your life, would you? For my hair to grow faster and to be stronger and to not have any greys?! That's three, but all about one thing! 
7. Do you enjoy blogging? Or has it taken over your life? I enjoy it but find it hard to make time for it.
8. Has anything good ever happened to you because of your blog? Not yet, but there is still time :)
9. Sweet or Savory? Savoury all the way
10. Would you, or have you got a second blog? Don't have the time for another blog
11. Where do you see your blog 5 years from now?
 Good question! I think it all depends on how things progress with technology and social media. for example Instagram and twitter

Questions from Ivy:
1. Which nail art technique do you love, and which do you hate? I Love a gradient and I Hate doing chevrons. I just cant seam to get the hang of them, I love them on other people though.
2. What's your favourite polish colour and finish? I love a good pastel with a matte topcoat.
3. What's your most prized polish bottle? My Illamasqua, DWS its the best grey ever!
4 .Which nail polish blog you could never unfollow? The Crumpet this was the first blog I found and one of the main reasons I got into nail-art and blogging.
5. Do you prefer sweet or savoury snacks? Savoury all the way
6. What's the thing that makes you squee? Surprises from family and friends, knowing that they are thinking of me just melts my heart. 
7. Do you have a favourite internet meme? ?
8. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To fly, to travel so freely would be heaven  
9. How do you spend your Saturday nights? At home, with good food, a movie some wine and then a hot bath. Pure Bliss 
10. Have you ever performed anything in public? I was in childrens choir when I was in primary school, but nothing since - public speaking makes me anxious.
11. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'd love to travel across America.

Now its my turn, here are my 11 questions:
1. How long have you been blogging for?
2. What are you wearing on your nails right now?
3. How many polishes do you own?
4. How do you store you polishes?
5. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
6. Do you have a favourite brand of polish?
7.What do you do for work?
8. Are you a book lover or a film fan?
9. Are you a Tea, Coffee or Hot chocolate drinker?
10. Describe your perfect holiday.
11. What time is it right now?

And the 11 blogs I'm nominating are:
Style Those Nails
Little Night Flower
Life In Lacquer
Knitty Nails 
The Nail Snail
Lethal Lacquer
Nikkis Nail Files

Thank you for taking the time read and please check out all of the above bloggers.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Valentines

Golden Oldie Thursday (on a Saturday!) Valentines

St Valentines day was on Friday, and the name on this challenge is Golden Oldie Thursday, so I am a little late in posting this, bit life just got in way :)

This week I've been working the late shift at work which means finishing at 10pm so fitting in time to do new nails, taking photos and drafting a post can get a little tricky. I managed this on, only two days late :) lol

I've used Sally Hansen, Diamond Strength, unnamed red. Super glossy and applies great. Only two coats needed for this lovely bold red. The flash makes it seam a little thin in places but you cant see this in 'real life'  I've added a tiny pink hearts to each nail, this is my 'nod' to the valentines theme. I'm not keen on the valentines but I was surprised by given a lovely bunch of flowers, with one glittery rose in it. sounds strange but looks nice.




Busy Girl Nails, Winter challenge - Valentines

It was St Valentines day on Friday and everyone was in a good mood.

I'm not the biggest fan of valentines day, It all seams to forced and commercial but I'll still join in, just a little bit :)

I've used two coats of Ted Baker, unnamed pink and Pretty, Gold flaked top coat. This Ted Baker polish is stunning, it looks amazing in the daylight and I always get compliments when I wear it. The colour is like a bright clean pastel. reminds me of a combination of three things, candy floss, marshmallows and Barbie.   

Using Barry M Nailart pen in White, I added an outline of a heart to my ring finger to join in with the valentines theme.

Please check out my intagram account by searching its_linzi or by searching #busygirlnails  to view everyone doing the challenge.
Thank you xx



Thursday, 6 February 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Green

The prompt of green really got me stumped. I did initially think of doing a green skittle but I didn't have enough greens for each finger! So I opted for a three coloured ombre.

I've not done a sponged gradient/ombre for a while and to be honest I've missed it! I've used in order of darkest to lightest: Models Own, Green Tea. Models Own, Top Turquoise and Models Own, Jade Stone. To finish it I went for a Matte topcoat, hoping that it would soften and blend in the colours a little.

GOT green Ombre

GOT green Ombre

GOT green Ombre

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

6th Feb - Green

Open 30 January - 13th February!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Busy Girl Nails, Winter challenge - Blue

Week four is all about Blue in the Busy Girl Nails, Winter challenge.
I have a love/hate relationship with the colour Blue. It looks great on but wow is it hard work to take off. I was given a Nails Inc set for Christmas and inside was this stunning blue named Baker Street. Wow this blue is great, it gave great coverage in just to thin coats and its super glossy and smooth. very impressed - I cant wait to use the others that came in the set.
I added a thin layer of Models Own, Banger to add a little interest and excitement. I picked this little treasure up in their recent 50% off sale.

Please check out my intagram account by searching its_linzi or by searching #busygirlnails 
Thank you xx

Nails Inc, Busy Girl Nails, Blue
Nails Inc, Busy Girl Nails, Blue

Models Own, Busy Girl Nails, Blue

Models Own, Busy Girl Nails, Blue

Models Own, Busy Girl Nails, Blue

Model Own 50% Sale Haul

I just couldn't resit the recent 50% sale from Models Own. As you know I'm a big fan of their polish so when they announced their 50% sale I was straight on it. Im looking forward to trying them all but I am now seriously running out of room to store my collection. How do you store yours? Hidden away in draws and/or boxes or on proudly displayed on shelves? 

From left to right.
Golden Peach, Pukka Purple, Snowflakes, Banger, Emerald Black.
Mermaid Tears, Sparkler, Disco Mix, Coral Reef, Indian Ocean, Gold and Silver NailArt Pens and Express Dry.

Models Own 50% Sale Haul

Friday, 31 January 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday - Dots

Thursdays prompt was dots. I think I need more practise doing dots. It's harder than it looks, honestly I want perfectly smooth round little dots of polish heaven. What happens in reality is an uneven blob that just looks out of shape and awkward.

I'm so pleased with how they turn out!! I love this dotted gradient effect. simple yet visually stimulating. I was going to do this design on a white base, I'm so pleased that I decided not to. The colours stand their own again Utopia which is like a pale creamy concrete.

I've used 8 Oldies, some pinks, some purples and neutral. From left to right:
Models Own, Utopia. Models Own, Purple Imperial, Simple Pleasures, Purple (unnamed). Models Own, Lilac Dream. Simple Pleasures, Pink (unnamed). Ted Baker, Pale Pink (unnamed) Models Own, Lill's Pink and Models Own, Pink Fizz.

GOT, pink, purple, dots, gradient, models own, linziino

GOT, pink, purple, dots, gradient, models own, linziino

GOT, pink, purple, dots, gradient, models own, linziino

GOT, pink, purple, dots, gradient, models own, linziino

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (

30th Jan - Dots

Open 23 January - 6 February!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)